#20: C'mon let's put Christmas on the table

In the partner episode hosted by Radio Helsinki, the producers of all three partner radio stations, Helsinki, Student and MARŠ, talk about ecological, economical and personal aspects of Christmas season. What is there to know about lightning, packaging and food waste, Christmas trees and the Christmas markets, our feelings during the celebrations and towards the “rush” all around, and tips on how to make the upcoming festivities more ecofriendly.
#19: Artivism in Croatia

In the 19th episode, the crew of Radio Student discuss different kinds of artivism, radical climate activism, spilling of soup on Van Gogh's painting, guerilla gardening, planting trees and musical activism. Artivists Dora and Andrea talk about their project called Crystal Clean Supply that takes a different perspective on ecology and a sustainable way of life.
#18: Artivism in Maribor, Slovenia and beyond

In the 18th episode, the Radio MARŠ team discusses artivism its societal role and many interesting cases of it in Maribor, Slovenia and beyond. Slovenian visual and stage artivist Urša Rahne talks about her involvement in civil iniciatives and groups advocating better housing policy and in the cultural and activistic association KUD Transformator, as well as the widely used method of the Theatre of the Opressed.
#17: ARTivists of Graz

The November edition of the Radioactivism podcast addresses art, activism and climate change. We take a peek into different corners of Graz and knock on the doors of artists, organisations and projects making art that has an activist impact. And because art is a broad term, we cover literature, computer installations and contemporary art. We …
#16: Carbon Footprint of Radio Stations

Are radio stations eco-friendly and sustainable or are they polluters? How can we make Radio Student more sustainable. Ivan talked to our editor in chief Ivan Vlašić to find out how much of an impact our radio station has on the environment, and methods of lowering it. Sara spoke to Vito Avakumović, an expert on climate change, about recycling and what carbon footprint really means.
#15: To Leave a MARŠ... Mark

Carbon footprint is an ecological buzzword, and concern for energy saving (or wastage) is, especially in times of economic crisis, at the forefront. Alja, Jan and Zinedin think about listening to music and reflect on the environmental and social footprint of the independent, alternative, and in many ways guerilla radio station that is MARŠ.
#14: What about the carbon footprint of Radio Helsinki?

We reveal the hard facts - numbers and personal contributions to a more or less of the carbon footprint of Radio Helsinki and its employees. We talk about going by bike versus going by car, printing flyers and the broadcasting bike, and in an interview with Rainer Maichin, author of the environmentalist radio show “Morgen” (“Tomorrow”), we take a look at our radio station’s bill and numbers bills and numbers, and ask Maichin how much impact does the fact that we use "Naturstrom" - green electricity (electrical energy that is generated from renewable sources) have.
#13: Quietly flows the Drava

The quality of potable water in Slovenia is very high and Slovenia is very rich with water, but the water talk became polluted during last year's referendum on bureaucracy and building sites surrounding water bodies. In the second part of the episode, we are joined by Brina Sotenšek, biologist, ecologist and activist for clean water in Slovenia, who has previously worked governmental bodies, but is now fighting her fight in the NGO sector.
#12: Water in Zagreb

The Radio Student team discuss and rethink the usage and management of water resources in their beloved Zagreb and talk to civil engineering expert Vladimir Androče about infrastructural and flooding problems that the city faces.
#11: The Mur River Safe No More?

Theresa, a new member of the RadioActivism team of Radio Helsinki Graz, prepared a report on the water situation in Graz, while Mirza, Gea and Nicolas interviewed Martin Regelsberger, a researcher in the field of water. We learned about the importance of managing and storing rainwater, and the contribution of trees in the cities to the cooling effect through evaporation. Martin talks about the hot topic of the power plant on Mur river in Graz and its effects on the river. As citizens, we wondered what happens with shower and kitchen water; what effect ecological detergent has on the water purification process; and if is it safe to jump and swim in the Mur river.