#40: We left... the water running

The final RadioActivism episode Unpolluted On Air, produced in Maribor by Radio MARŠ Maribor, Radio Student Zagreb and Radio Helsinki Graz. I'd write more, but water is running... down my face.
#39: To prevent is better than to cure

The Unpolluted on Air podcast production on Radio MARŠ concludes with a “trash talk” episode. Alja and Jan are joined by Katja Sreš, the president of the Ekologi brez meja (Ecologists without borders) to discuss "zero waste", the trash in nature, the clouds and in Maribor and the 2nd Reuse Festival in Maribor.
#38: Climate activism in Zagreb

The moment has come - this was Radio Student ZG’s final episode of the podcast, in which Poschko and both Saras shared their opinions on the need for violence and civil disobedience in eco- and other forms of activism. Sara P held an interview with Sunčica Lazinski, a member of the climate activism group Extinction Rebellion known for their pacifistic approach.
#37: Who if not Youth for Climate Justice?
In this Radio MARŠ-produced episode, Timotej talks with co-coordinators of MZPP Maribor (Mladi za podnebno pravičnost / Youth for Environmental Justice movement). Maribor, Ivana Rataj and Rene Fras; they talk about the organisation itself, contacting the decision makers, reaching abroad and main challenges of the movement and environmental activism in general.
#36: Goodbye, as we activists remain unpolluted

In their final in-house episode of Unpolluted On Air, the Radio Helsinki team interview four local activists: Alina from Südwind, Valentin representing the Lätzte Generation, Maria from Autofrei Tag and Karo from Jugendrat. But before the interview with the four activists, we hear Maryna, the RadioActivist who moved to Chile.
#35: Trash talking Zagreb

Ivan P, Sara P and Sara S from Radio Student trash-talked waste management in Zagreb, reflected on the new garbage sorting model in Zagreb, and prepared a short vox populi of other people's opinions regarding its efficiency. In the interview, we spoke with Marko Košak from Zelena Akcija to speak about this model and Jakuševac, the hazardous trash-mountain of Zagreb, and more.
#34: Trash talking Graz

The RadioActivists of Radio Helsinki open their April edition of Unpolluted On Air with some trash talk. Well, talking about waste in a constructive way, to put it better.
#33: “Ropotariti” means something in Maribor

In this week’s episode of Unpolluted On Air, produced by Radio MARŠ, Alja talks to Julija Beršnjak and Nataša Vrhnjak from Ropotarnica. Located on Partizanska Road in Maribor, Ropotarnica is a “reuse center”, where clothes, items and materials which would otherwise be thrown away are given a second chance – via second-hand means.
#32: Second-hand Zagreb

In this episode, the Radio Student team talked about second hand and fast fashion. Sara P. spoke with Nidžara Mustafić about her second hand shop Mango Sticky Rice, the importance of sustainable fashion and the principles by which she procures clothes. The team, along with some interlocutors, talked about where they buy second hand clothes, what motivates them to this more sustainable way of buying and what are the advantages and disadvantages of second hand for the environment, finances and whether second hand shops are accessible to everyone.
#31: First-hand options for second-hand goods

In the partner episode hosted by Radio Student, the producers of all three partner radio stations, Helsinki, Student and MARŠ, talk about vintage clothing, charity-run second-hand clothing shops and the history of second-hand culture, thrift stores, vintage fashion and the labour theory behind it, recycling clothes, slow fashion, and our own opinions and experiences with buying second-hand.