#30: Graz, do you buy second hand?

In the March edition of Unpolluted on Air, the RadioActivists of Radio Helsinki Graz have a debate, conduct two interviews and ask several people at the Jakominiplatz in Graz if they wear anything second hand. And you, do you?
#29: Progress and regression of Croatia's sustainability

Ivan, Sara S and Sara P discussed the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. They touched on some goals that are most closely related to sustainable living and ecology and commented on the current situation in Croatia. Sara P spoke with the director of ODRAZ (Sustainable Community Development), Lidija Pavić-Rogošić. ODRAZ is a civil society organization …
#29: Progress and regression of Croatia’s sustainability Read More »
#28: To find sustainibility in rurality

In this week’s Radio MARŠ-produced episode of the Unpolluted on air podcast, we talked to Simon Žlahtič, ex-member of MARŠ, environmentalist and proponent of the “Save the Rogoza forest” initiative against the construction of the Magna Steyr factory on the farmland in the vicinity of Maribor, who majored in Art History and worked as a culture producer, before taking over the “agricultural property” in Drankovec, in the neighboring municipality of Pesnica, as a farmer and fruit producer. The interview touches on the initiative, other actions, the relationship between the land and the people, on how to tackle tradition and more, through the prism of sustainability.
#27: "Turn it off, set it on 0" - through the lens of SDG 7

Radio Helsinki’s February edition of Unpolluted On Air covers global topic of the SDG 7 (Sustainable Development Goals 7)—to “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all”—with focus on Austria and Graz. Facts, theory, and three interviews: (1) with RadioActivist Nicolas' mum who works in the field of SDGs; (2) with Prof. Dr. Alfred Posch, professor at the U of Graz in the field of Sustainable transition and innovation and transdisciplinary learning for sustainable development; and (3) with an employee from the Carla store about their sustainable measures.
#26: Green Awareness

The Radio Student team from Zagreb discuss generational awareness about climate change. They interview people of different generations about their view of ecological problems and talked with Bernard Ivčić, a representative of Zelena Akcija (Green Action) about what activities their NGO organizes to raise awareness about climate change.
#25: Boomer or Zoomer, We Gasp for the Same Air

Zinedin chats with environmental activists Uroš Macerl (age 54; Eko krog, Vesna) Samo Curk (age 29; Animal Enterprise Transparency Project) about their own intergenerational experiences, the lack of active citizenship in Slovenia, and the unfruitfulness of the environmental policies of various Slovene governments. There is not only whining, but also discussion of solutions for bridging the intergenerational gap - from enlightened kindergartens to eco-nursing homes!
#24: How sustainable is your lifestyle?

Radio Helsinki’s RadioActivists grab their camcorders, go around Graz and ask: How sustainable is the lifestyle of you and your generation? Your buying of clothes? What about new generations? Do you drive? Leonie discusses intergenerational communication and the Austrian education system with a diverse age group of theater artists, from 13 to 73 years old. And more!
#23: The Throwing Away of Food

Do individuals throw away more food than food industries? Are there ways to manage food waste? How can we as individuals reduce food waste? What are our stances on throwing away food? This week's episode by the Radio Student includes an interview with Marina, the founder of the Ja bolji građanin platform, a vox populi of our fellow citizens, and the RadioActivism team's own opinions on when and how much food they throw away.
#22: Served Directly in the Garbage

Empty-stomached Zinedin in Jan spout a humanistic talk about numbers, habits, systemic mistakes and phenomena relating to food that eventually ends up in the trash bin — be it at home or the supermarket parking lot. They are joined by anthropologist Dr. Dan Podjed, who discusses our attitude towards food as recognized by a study …
#21: Fight against "toss in trash"

This month "Unpolluted on air" is all about food waste. Radioactivists of Radio Helsinki present you the food sharing points by "Together Point" and the initiative "Lebensmittel sind kostbar" of the Federal Ministry. They also interview a restaurant employee and a local eco-networker about reducing food waste as part of their job.